Working in Partnership with Patient Advocacy Groups & Research Charities
Patient and research charities play an immensely important role in providing support for patients, families and carers and advancing the development of new and better treatments and care for patients.
We are on a mission to help organisations, small and large accelerate their efforts. Our technology enables us to deliver patient registries, with embedded and dynamic consent models, data standardisation and data compliance.

Charity-Branded Apps
Empower patients with tools to aid self-management.
Patient charities can now have their very own branded app.
Our Partner App offers a powerful tool for patient advocacy groups and medical research charities that wish to provide condition-focused tools to support the needs of patients, families and carers. In addition, it offers an opportunity to engage patients in current and future research opportunities.
Each app can be customised quickly and easily to reflect the needs of each organisation. Powerful features are immediately available for inclusion – health and lifestyle tracking, shareable health record, condition insights, disease education and more.
Together, we can amplify the patient voice, drive research advancements, and improve outcomes for those living with a rare or other long-term condition.
Join our patient advocacy and medical research charities who wish to accelerate their vision.
Build a Patient Registry
Highlight unmet needs and accelerate research opportunities.
Evidence from patient registries can lead to improvements in health, care and scientific understanding.
Our platform provides organisations with the opportunity to involve patients in the design and participation of a patient registry then leveraging modern digital technologies, capture real-time patient experiences whilst empowering patients with self-management and shared decision-making tools.
Through the collection of longitudinal data, researchers and healthcare professionals gain valuable insights into a condition or treatment presented across live dashboards. Data-driven evidence can inform disease-specific and natural history studies; treatment effectiveness and quality of life measurements; epidemiology and burden of disease; and drug development.
Insights are easily shareable with the community creating a partnership between patients, healthcare teams and researchers.

Data Collection & Standardisation
Facilitate richer understanding of patients.
Our platform supports the collection of data sources from existing registry data, electronic health records (EHR), patient-reported outcomes (PROs), genomics, health indicators, connected device data and more.
Organisations have the opportunity to create a richer understanding of a disease, its management and treatment.
Data collected via the Partner App is structured, encoded and immediately available for review or download. It can also be integrated into third party systems, if required.
We support the mapping of data to global standards, including Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP), Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC), Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) and others.
Increase Reach & Engagement
Inbuilt communication and content creation tools.
Charity partners can manage in-app content in order to enhance education or promote fundraising and research activities, for example.
With Partner App, patient advocacy groups can create a personalized and supportive environment for their patient community with the option to add peer-to-peer interaction too.
By tailoring the app experience to the specific needs of their community, organisations can foster a sense of belonging and provide essential resources to individuals navigating their medical journey.
The platform provides automated reminders and ad-hoc PUSH notification messaging tools for whenever you need to share important updates, health insights or new discoveries. Get your message in front of patients where they’re most likely to see it – on their mobile devices.

Powerful Tools for Patients
Record everything in one place.
Partner App enables patients to easily record details of symptoms, conditions and track disease progression. Patients can share their health information easily with clinicians, carers or family members.
In addition, 100s of tools exist to maintain a healthier lifestyle, manage a personal health record, record appointments, view progress charts thus empowering individuals to learn and take better control over their own health.
Insights & Trends
Real-time analytics dashboards.
Organisations using the Partner App will gain valuable insights to help them assess traction, engagement and utilisation of the app.
In addition, patient perceptions and medical journeys are captured as structured longitudinal data and presented with colourful visuals.
Focused dashboards deliver insights around conditions and treatments with options to create custom dashboards.
Data extracts are available on-demand and can be downloaded or pulled directly into third-party analytics tools. We support global standards, such as OMOP, CDISC and FHIR.

Customisable App
Options available:
Maintaining Compatibility with Global Standards
We support a number of global dictionaries and standards to optimise data interpretation, compatibility and interoperability, such as SNOMED-CT, OMOP, CDISC, FHIR and others.